Cyberpunk 2077: Polishing, texturing, optimizing.

Small background: During the last ~1,5 years of the project, starting of May 2019, I was also responsible for polishing assets in terms of visuals but also technical aspects. Together with the amazing team of assets artists, we worked very hard to keep our assets visually pleasant that fit our vision and environments. A few of the examples can be found here.

You can read more about our tools and unique approach for texturing in the below article which was provided by our Technical Art Director Krzysztof Krzyścin:

Special thanks to:
Anton Leonov: Senior Environment Artist - Asset Coordinator
Axel Kraefft:
+ artists that also contributed in making presented artworks here, at some point of development time:
Wiktoria Stachowska: Environment Artist
Imanol Delgado Salazar: Environment Artist
Łukasz Janiszewski: Environment Artist

December 16, 2020